
Lindsay Gibb. Nicolas Cage Scholar, Journalist and Podcaster.

Lindsay Gibb is a journalist, librarian, podcaster, and Nicolas Cage expert. In this episode she chats with Hugh about fandom and 90s.

Richard Weiser, Author of The Real Mystery of Tom Thomson

Richard Weiser, author of The Real Mystery of Tom Thomson, chats with Hugh about his book, his process and poetry.

Children’s Book Author, Sarabeth Holden, Discusses Entrepreneurship, Parenthood and Creativity

Writing a children’s book while opening a new brewery AND raising young children is not for the faint of heart. Join Hugh as he speaks with Sarabeth Holden about all these things and more!

Hench Novel Follow-Up: Natalie Zina Walschots

Natalie Zina Walschots has a follow-up conversation about her upcoming novel, Hench.

Discussing the High Costs of Heroism with the Author of Hench, Natalie Zina Walschots

Natalie Zina Walschots chats with Hugh about her upcoming novel, Hench

Love, Heather Author Laurie Petrou in Conversation

Laurie Petrou in conversation with Hugh about her new book, Love, Heather

A World of Lost Characters; Diaspora

Animation writer talks an idea about a world of lost characters

Pitching a Fake Documentary; Signs Of Our Times

A mockumentary surrounding the discovery of Canada’s next Poet Laureate; Linda, the sign-writer for the highway commission.

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