
Third Anniversary of this Podcast! Thank You for Listening!

After three years of running Can’t Sell This, Hugh and Stefan sit down and talk about where they started, where they went and where they’re going.

Creator of the G.I. Joe PSAs, Eric Fensler Discusses Viral Video, Comedy and Following Your Own Interests

Eighteen years after the G.I. Joe PSAs took the world by storm, their creator talks with Hugh. Eric Fensler followed his passion for creation from Chicago to New York to LA. From the world of comedy writing to advertising.

The Rejected Show with Jon Friedman

Host of the decade-long Rejected show chats with Hugh and Stef

Pitching a Fake Documentary; Signs Of Our Times

A mockumentary surrounding the discovery of Canada’s next Poet Laureate; Linda, the sign-writer for the highway commission.

A Chat With Jennifer Shiman – Bunnies and Ombudsmen

30 Seconds Bunnies Theatre, Baldwin P. Leninforth, Ombudsman

Black Creek

Revisiting a catalyst for this podcast!

Stefan’s Comedy Sketch Idea: Doctor Detective Lawyer

Stefan’s skit idea for crime fighting doctor…lawyer?

Debut of the Audio Play: Hired Goon!

The Hired Goon is debuted by Hugh and Stefan

Double Episode for a Web Series: Bystander/Hired Goon

Hugh talks about sneaking characters into action movies

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