
Spotty’s TO, Jermaine Douglas Speaks About Cooking Soul Food During a Pandemic

After being laid off from a restaurant due to the pandemic, and wondering what he could do while off work, Jermaine Douglas started Spotty’s TO on Instagram, selling soul food to order.

Stef has a conversation with Shannon Armishaw—one half of Smoke & Tears, a newly launched sauce co. that places an emphasis on art and creativity

In conversation with Shannon, Stefan learns about the role art and design play in Smoke & Tears—from brand development and packaging, to the sauces themselves and the wonderful culinary creations that they contribute to!

GIVEAWAY!!! Smoke & Tears has graciously provided a set of six essential sauces and we’re going to give them away to one lucky listener—check out the start of the episode for more info.

Antonia Lawrence and Emily Carson discuss founding Uplift Kitchen.

Co-founders Antonia Lawrence and Emily Carson speak about their food initiative created to serve the Black community in Toronto.

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