A Chat With Jennifer Shiman – Bunnies and Ombudsmen
30 Seconds Bunnies Theatre, Baldwin P. Leninforth, Ombudsman
30 Seconds Bunnies Theatre, Baldwin P. Leninforth, Ombudsman
Guests Damien Boyes and Josh Garratt have a chat about writing and world-building.
Sagan Yee of Hand Eye Society
Hank picks his daughter up from Karate class and they chat about his latest job.
Hand model agency
Gillian Hyde of Pip Robins discusses her decade running her own business.
Hugh and Stef discuss Hugh’s idea for an interstellar story with just a smidge of genocide.
Hugh and Stef return to Black Creek with some new thinking.
Revisiting a catalyst for this podcast!
Hugh reads a Christmas poem he’d written and shared with book editor, John.