Stefan Grambart

Cartoon Producer John Rooney Talks Pitching Shows

Cartoon production and pitching advice from an industry veteran

Wilk Watchworks. Watchmaker and Artisan, Scott Wilk

Sitting down with a watchmaker to talk his process and path

Experience Designer and Digital Artist, Kim Alpert

A conversation about Kim’s approach to marketing while maintaining close ties to the art world and music.

Social Media and Food, Foodies I

Part 1 of the Foodies episode. Talking about food, influencers and social media.

A World of Lost Characters; Diaspora

Animation writer talks an idea about a world of lost characters

Pitching a Fake Documentary; Signs Of Our Times

A mockumentary surrounding the discovery of Canada’s next Poet Laureate; Linda, the sign-writer for the highway commission.

Education Grants How-to With Natalie Ramtahal

Research Writing Assistant, Natalie, joins Hugh and Stef dropping nuggets of information.

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